Feasibility study for the rehabilitation of the Petit Bateau wastewater treatment plant in Conakry. Assessment of the technical, economic, financial and environmental feasibility to rehabilitate the Petit Bateau water treatment plant. Preparation of the «Design and Build» tender dossier for the rehabilitation of the Petit Bateau water treatment plant, and the terms of reference for the technical assistance for the analysis of the construction works offers and the monitoring and follow-up services for the rehabilitation works.
Rehabilitation of San Lázaro – August Pine Ridge road section in Belize
Study on results measurement in the transport sector for projects financed by the European Commission. Demonstration of the impact of European Commission’s support to the road transport sector in developing cooperation regarding construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of road networks in Djibouti, Ghana, Cameroun, Lebanon and Belize. And also to specifically contribute to results measurement and methodology development on RFI27 regarding the «number of people with access to all-season roads constructed/rehabilitated/maintained with EU support» of 5 road projects in those countries.
Rehabilitation of the District and Community Access Roads in Uganda
Consultancy Service for the Identification, Feasibility Study and Preliminary Design for the «Rehabilitation of the District and Community Access Roads» Component of the Development Initiative for Northern Uganda.
- Phase 1: Identification, confirmation and prioritisation of the list of rural roads to be subject of technical studies at the Northern districts of Moyo, Adjumani, Abumat and Abim according to their socio-economic impact and their environmental sustainability through document analysis, consultation with Ministry of Works and Transport and District engineers, and the organisation workshops with community local stakeholders.
- Phase 2: Preliminary technical studies for the rehabilitation of 400 km of rural roads (preliminary designs of surface treatments, pavement, alignment, drainage system, bridges and structures, cost estimations including alternative treatments) including socio-economic and environmental impact assessments.
Technical monitoring of the rehabilitation of Parakou-Béroubouay road in Benin
Ex post evaluation of EDF/2008/020-956 and EDF/2013/024-206 programmes and technical monitoring of the rehabilitation of Parakou / Béroubouay road.
- Component 1. Assessment of two national transport programmes´ results (according to OECD and EC criteria), its impact and sustainability prospects, and identify and propose concrete and useful recommendations for improving possible future projects of a similar nature.
- Component 2. Detailed technical monitoring of the rehabilitated road between Parakou-Béroubouay (142 km) for 2 consecutive years (5 auscultation surveys). Definition and implementation of tools for the technical control.
Drinking water system and waste water system in Spain
Construction of the new drinking water supply and distribution system and the sewerage and rainwater network systems in Dalías. Preparation of feasibility studies and preliminary & detailed designs; budgeting & economic cost-benefit analysis; environmental assessment.